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Don’t Listen to the Algorithm – Just Make Good Content, and Make it About Health, Wealth or Relationships 

A photo for a blog called “Don’t Listen to the Algorithm – Just Make Good Content, and Make it About Health, Wealth or Relationships,” taught by Jay Ashcroft of four32 Media, a professional videographer, photographer and marketing specialist who works with businesses in Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Muskoka and the rest of North America

Time and time again, I feel that I hear the excuse “oh, the algorithm just didn’t pick it up,” or “make sure the algorithm likes it,” as though we’re serving some digital content distribution God.


That’s ridiculous. Although an algorithm does pick things up and distribute them to certain users on any platform that you’re on, you still have a number of boxes to check before you even hit upload.


In essence, don’t listen to the algorithm – just make good content.


Before you even make something, really think it through and make sure it’s something worth sharing. Are you going to love it when it’s done? If you’re creating honest things from the heart – then from there it’s all about getting your reps in.


Keep sharing and uploading, and pay attention to what performs better and what performs worse.


In general, there are three subjects that your content can live within that are going to gain you some traction in your sharing. The content that you’re posting should fall under the umbrellas of health, wealth or relationships.


Now, depending on your industry – sometimes it can be challenging to fit into these topics perfectly. But it can always be done. Do your best to reframe it and share within one of these subjects.


For example, I’ve been getting infinitely more traction on this page since I started to share through one of these lenses. The lens that I’m sharing through would be wealth.


I’m a content creator, and I’m sharing information that can help small business owners build more wealth by incorporating my marketing techniques into their business plans – and to be honest it’s a lot more enjoyable taking this route when compared to just sharing projects that I do for other clients.


So, whatever your industry – really think about this and choose one of these lenses. If you’re a campground, speak to your customer base about the fact that using your facilities is good for their mental health and their relationships with their family and friends.


If you’re a contractor, remodeling a home is good for your clients health, wealth and relationships. Wealth is obtained by the increase in value that the updates add to the home. Mental health is improved because the space now perfectly complements the family who lives in it. Physical health is improved if the home had old, deteriorating materials in its walls before the remodel.


Relationships are improved within the home as well, because now the family can live in perfect harmony - the house is a perfect reflection of their routines and daily activities.


If you’re an insurance broker, we can also frame your content by all of these metrics.


If you run a gym, it’s obvious, of course you’re speaking about health. But you can get creative here as well. Working out is good for your mindset and confidence, which can lead to more wealth.


What’s further, people can improve their relationships with themselves and everyone around them by getting physical exercise. It releases feel good chemicals, obvious physical benefits are received and confidence is inflated.


When you’re creating content, you can always find a way to present your products or services through the lenses of health, wealth and/or relationships.


Choose one of these modes of presentation, and don’t be so concerned about the sacred algorithm. It’s always a losing game chasing the sharing preferences of an ever-changing computer software – and what always wins, what always comes out on top? Human creativity and originality.


Educate your audience. Create value. Create original pieces of content that you love. Blast it all over the internet.


To Your Success,

Jay Ashcroft

four32 MEDIA


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