432. What’s with that? What kind of name it that? Is it four three two? Like a countdown or something? You know, “Four… Three… Two… MEDIA!!!”
No, no. ‘Tis not, my friend. It’s actually pronounced “four thirty two,” and the intention of the name actually runs a bit deeper than surface level.
Before I dive into that though, it’s sort of curious how I arrived at the conclusion that this needed to be my operating name. Really, this whole thing started as “Jay Ashcroft Videography” and then it was “Jay Ashcroft Media”. After this we made the jump to “Ashcroft Media Co.”, before finally landing on “Ashcroft Media Collective.”
What a journey in brand! How tiring and ridiculous.
This is how to come up with a business name.
You see, it became pretty clear pretty… Well, pretty slowly actually – that I was searching for something in a name, and using my own Surname just wasn’t going to cut it.
What’s even more, around the time I was deciding the change it, I was really starting to realize that I didn’t want to be known strictly as a commercial videography and photography company owner.
I was starting to hang around with an abstract painter named Sandy – I was getting into making my own “art”, and was also becoming more and more open to writing regularly.
In tying my given name so tightly to just one thing, I was feeling restricted.
So I began the hunt. This process took months. I don’t even know which other iterations I went through, but clearly they didn’t make the cut.
Eventually, when I had finally given up and stopped thinking about it, the name came to me… “432hz. Four thirty two… 4thirty two? Four32.. four32 MEDIA! That’s it!!”
You see, I had just learned something super interesting that got my blood pumping. I’ve always been a music geek, and I had come across this concept of 432hz.
Modern day instruments are tuned to 440hz, which of course is slightly higher. There’s stories that say back in the 60s and 70s, classic musicians like Joplin, Hendrix and The Beatles were tuning their instruments down to 432hz.
Why? Did they know something we don’t? Was it just random or so they could sing lower?
Why were they doing this? Well it was understood that this frequency is the vibration that every living thing exists within. If you’re not aware – everything is frequency – we live in a state of vibration.
Your eyes, your shoes. The coffee table and the cat. It’s all vibrating.
Now, I don’t know how these story tellers claimed that this tale was true, and who knows if it even is. But I was intrigued, so here we are. four32 MEDIA it is. This was a year or so ago, and it seems to have ended the constant need to change my business name slightly every 5-6 months.
Case in point? Don’t be afraid to rebrand and to grow. Yes, it’s going to cost money. Yes, it’ll cause some of your clients to shake their heads in confusion. Yes, you’ll have to update your domains, and emails and everything involved in your business. But, it’s your name. You need to love it.
On the other side of things, if you’re new to the entrepreneurial game and you’re just now building a business of your own – then be patient with the name choice and follow your heart. Listen to how the name makes you feel, and compare it against other options before you commit.
While I wouldn’t recommend taking the branding path that I did – it’s still an option. Don’t settle for something that you don’t like. But, if that does happen – it’s okay to make a change. It really is.
The name of a business means a lot – and my business name? It means to resonate. What’s more, I like the sound of it too. Make sure your business name means something to you, and be proud of it when you share it with people.
If you’re in Toronto, Barrie, Orillia, Muskoka or any of the surrounding areas, then feel free to reach out. This is a videography company that can help you to resonate with your audience.
To Your Success,
Jay Ashcroft
four32 MEDIA
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